10 Time-Saving Purple Mash Features

Sept. 11, 2024

Teachers have very busy days, so we've put together a guide to how Purple Mash can save you time. With these 10 teacher time-saving features, you might even have time to grab a cuppa in the staffroom!

Time saving 10 blog
September's Mash of the Month: Mini Mash

Sept. 10, 2024

Mini Mash, our online space for little learners, has been redeveloped and refreshed to provide a more intuitive, engaging and user-friendly experience for both students and teachers. You'll find new areas to explore, and more personalisation features to tailor it perfectly to your class.

That's why Mini Mash is September's Mash of the Month! Read on for more information on the changes...

Mini Mash MoM
Meet our new Mashcot!

July 2, 2024

Recently, Purple Mash held a competition for students to design its first ever mascot. The winning designer came to the 2Simple London office to meet our Graphic Designer and finalise the Mashcot's look... read our blog to meet the new Mashcot!

Mascot blog
Simplify your school's pupil voice questionnaire with 2Survey

June 26, 2024

Simplify your school's pupil voice questionnaires with 2Survey, an efficient tool within Purple Mash. Create and share surveys effortlessly, making data collection easy and accessible for all students. Try 2Survey for streamlined, customisable surveys that save time and improve accuracy. Perfect for schools with EAL and special educational needs students.

2Survey blog
Programming Physical Devices

June 11, 2024

Programming physical devices can seem more daunting than other aspects of the Digital Technologies Curriculum, but 2Simple makes it, well, simple!

Discover all the ways that physical device programming is covered in the Purple Mash DigiTech Scheme of Work for primary school, and set children up for secondary school by using Python in Pieces.

Programming Physical Devices blog