Enter the Purple Mash 2Animate Competition!

Jan. 26, 2023

Arrange for your class to take part in our 2Animate competition and be in with a chance of winning some fabulous prizes! Teach animation alongside a part of the history, geography or science curriculum and enter your animation.

2animate Blog
Become a Data Detective with our Mash of the Month

Jan. 6, 2023

Find out about our tool Data Detectives - it's January's #MashoftheMonth! We share top tips for using it in class, and if you share how your class are using it then you'll be entered into a draw to win a 2Simple goody bag.

Data Detectives FB
Independent Study shows impact of Purple Mash

Nov. 2, 2022

Earlier this year, 2Simple commissioned an independent research review to identify the extent to which Purple Mash supports the aims and requirements of the National Curriculum for Computing, and how it delivers on our aim to provide excellent, accessible and inspiring software which encourages children to love learning, raises standards and reduces teacher workload. The results have now been published and these are the main findings...

Purple Mash The Evidence & The Impact
Digital Leaders making an impact at Castleview

Oct. 10, 2022

Within Purple Mash, there is a dedicated area for Digital Leaders, pupils who have a passion for Computing and can gain leadership skills and develop their computing skills while having fun. It was fabulous to hear from Mrs. Harris, who shared the impact that the Digital Leaders have at Castleview Primary School.

1 PM Tshirt
Purple Mash and Ofsted's High Quality Computing Curriculum: Day 4

May 27, 2022

On 16th May, Ofsted published their research review into the computing curriculum, aiming to 'identify factors that can contribute to a high-quality computing teaching and learning and including factors such as the curriculum itself, pedagogy, assessment and systems in place'. We've taken a close look at the report and identified how Purple Mash meets each of those factors, and throughout this week we're posting a series of blog posts outlining exactly how it does this. Each daily blog will cover 2-3 of the factors in depth, looking at what the report says and highlighting where Purple Mash supports them.

On the final day of our 4 part series, we examine pedagogy and assessment.

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