National Poetry Day 2023

Sept. 27, 2023

Since 1994 National Poetry Day has engaged millions of people with poetry through a range of live events and web-based activities for people throughout the country. Each year the day is given a new theme in order to highlight particular poets and styles of poetry. This year's National Poetry Day is on the 5th of October and the theme this year is 'Refuge'.

National Poetry Day
Teaching Science with 2Simple

Sept. 26, 2023

Explore the world of science at 2Simple, with lots of fun activities an great tools to encourage your students to think scientifically and become more critical in their observations. Find great resources across Purple Mash as well as our Science Leader's Toolkit.

Teaching Science Blog
Rate My List: We're Getting Ready for Top 10s!

Sept. 20, 2023

The start of submissions for our exciting new book series is just around the corner! To help you get started, I've included a few of my own Top 10 lists below! Take a look and see what you think...

Sarah - Desserts
Lift off for World Space Week 2023

Sept. 18, 2023

World Space Week is a UN declared celebration of space held annually from 4th to 10th October. There are lots of Space resources within Purple Mash, Serial Mash and Python in Pieces that you can use to inspire children throughout the week, to infinity and beyond!

World Space Week
Lift off for World Space Week 2023 🚀

Sept. 18, 2023

World Space Week is a UN declared celebration of space held annually from 4th to 10th October. There are lots of Space resources within Purple Mash, Serial Mash and Python in Pieces that you can use to inspire children throughout the week, to infinity and beyond!

World Space Week