
International Museum Day

May 18, 2023

What is International Museums Day?

Museums are a fantastic resource to bring areas of the curriculum alive and support pupils with different learning styles. For many children, visits to museums are the highlight of the academic year as they give the opportunity to learn about the past in a different way. Often pupils who are reserved and quiet in the classroom come alive on visits as seeing how something works, meeting specialists and engaging in practical hands-on activities can be the lightbulb moment for understanding.

International Museum Day launched in 1977 with the aim of bringing together organisations across the world to celebrate their work. ICOM (International Council of Museums), set the day's objective to raise awareness that


museums are an important means of cultural exchange, enrichment of cultures and development of mutual understanding, cooperation and peace among peoples”.

As awareness of the day spread amongst museums, it was decided (from 1992) to unite activity around a theme. The theme for 2023 is “Environment and Sustainability” where Museums will showcase the work they are doing to support Global Health and Wellbeing, Climate Action and Life on Land - three of the Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nation.

Museum Mash

Using the skills and expertise developed over the last 20 years of supporting teachers in the classroom, 2Simple are excited to launch a new project working with museums to create bespoke content to support their learning programmes. Working with 2Simple on Museum Mash, museums have the advantage of using a software well recognised in primary schools which can be used as a tool to inspire creativity. Aimed to increase engagement for pupils with museum professionals, activities can be created to prepare pupils in advance as well as to deepen learning back in the classroom. Working in this way, visits can be focused on hands-on activities and time in the galleries combined with a deep dive with a specialist.

Many museums currently remain reliant on printed worksheets and gallery trails as a tool for engaging pupils on self-guided visits. Using the full range of interactive tools on Purple Mash, museums have the potential to create e-versions of worksheets which not only reduce the amount of printing needed but also means the answers can be used as part of the follow up activities in the classroom. With the increased use of technology in the classrooms schools may have sufficient devices to bring with on a visit.


Bespoke material created can be accessed via QR codes or website links by any school, those with current licenses have the opportunity to save and return to individual activities or set them for independent work. All material made can use photos and video content from collections and crediting will be agreed by both parties. The option of adding voiceovers to activities and videos to launch screens enables pupils to virtually meet museum staff in advance of their visit.

Our first partnership with School of Noise will be launching very soon, keep an eye out for more information! 👀

Get in touch to find out more, arrange a demo of the platform or to discuss requirements.