What's new in 2Blog

July 27, 2021

Purple Mash's safe blogging environment 2Blog is proving more popular than ever, and with more users comes more feature suggestions. As ever we've been listening and have made some some improvements to the tool, to give you and your pupils a better experience.

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UEFA Euro Resources

May 26, 2021

The UEFA European football competition kicks off on the 11th June and runs until 11th July with England, Wales and Scotland all taking part from the United Kingdom alongside another 21 countries from across Europe. There is sure to be a lot of interest in matches and a great opportunity to use Purple Mash to bring football into the classroom.

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Anne Frank's Birthday - 12th June

May 26, 2021

Anne Frank was given a diary for her 13th Birthday on 12th June 1942 in which she wrote daily and had planned to publish a book about her time in the Secret Annex. Her diary was published after her death and has been translated into more than 70 languages.

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World Environment Day

May 18, 2021

World Environment Day is celebrated every year on the 5th June and is run and organised by the United Nations day to raise awareness of our planet and the environment. This year the theme is #GenerationRestoration'.

To celebrate #GenerationRestoration, we have several resources you can use on Purple Mash.

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Switch to the new Purple Mash today

May 4, 2021

We are so excited to announce the official launch of the newly designed Purple Mash! We have several new features that you can explore and start to use. The trial period will last for approximately 8 weeks, after which we will gradually switch all users to the new look Purple Mash!

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