
Computing with Confidence Part 1

Sept. 14, 2023

We understand that some teachers may be less confident in teaching computing so we've made it as easy as possible for you to teach computing confidently, whether in your own classroom or across the school. With an array of tools, guided lessons, teacher guides and videos, you can be sure that you'll be computing with confidence in no time at all.

Computing Tools

One of the best things about Purple Mash is that it has all of the tools you'll need to teach a full Computing curriculum, all in one place, accessible with only one login. Need to teach coding? Use 2Code. What about blogging? 2Blog. Uh-oh, we need to teach databases! Great, use 2Question. A safe emailing system so the class can learn to email? 2Email is what you need. Check out below for a brief description of each tool, and remember, they're ALL included on Purple Mash, and your pupils will only need to login once to enjoy them all.

2Code is a tool to introduce computer programming (coding) to children.

2Code has three key components: free code, guided lessons and debug challenges.

The “Purple Chip” app in conjunction with “2Code Purple Chip Mode” is a way of controlling an external physical device and its components from code that is written and run from within Purple Mash.

2Go gives children the opportunity to control an object on a screen using a range of instructions. It can be used as an introduction to programming. Many teachers use 2Go as a follow on from using a floor robot. It is aimed at children between the ages of 6 and 8.

Logo gives children the opportunity to control an on screen Turtle using a range of commands.

Logo is a text-based coding language. Logo allows children to practise basic single line and multi-line Logo programming.

2Type teaches users how to type properly on a QWERTY keyboard. Each progressive activity is followed up by a short game. The two games seen within 2Type are Falling Letters & 2Pop.

It will work on tablets as well as desktop and laptop devices.

Typing Across the Years includes short typing activities that can be used at the start or end of a lesson. They have been developed to support the teaching and learning of fundamental typing skills for children between the ages of four and eleven.

2Blog in Purple Mash is a simple and versatile way of setting up Blogs for classes, groups and individuals within the school. Blogs are managed and viewed from the Sharing tab on the Purple Mash Home screen.

2Email is a safe place to teach children how to use email. 2Email also includes 2Respond. This tool contains simulation activities that children can use to practice emailing skills. An email simulation from one of the Purple Mash Practice Users (fictitious character) will send pupils an email with a question or request.

2Connect is a tool for concept mapping or to support the planning of a piece of writing. It contains the ability to import pictures, sounds, notes and hyper-links to each node. At the simple click of a button, the writer can type while looking at their completed concept map.

2Chart is a tool that you can use to make flowcharts for many purposes. 2Chart will be of most use in Computing especially when going through the computational thinking processes of Algorithmic thinking, Decomposition, Generalisation and Abstraction before coding.

2Question is a tool for creating branching (binary) databases. A branching database is sometimes referred to as a binary tree or a key. They are a way of classifying a groups of objects. A branching database is a way to identify an object by answering a series of simple questions and yes/no questions.

2Investigate is a database for use in primary schools. It includes ready-made, pre-populated databases on a variety of themes, functions to create databases from scratch easily, collaborative and graphing functionality, visual representations of data, and the ability to search using Boolean operators and keywords.

2DIY 3D is a 3D game maker tool. It allows users to create a themed maze with 'treasure' and 'baddies' that affect the player's success. The maze is played in a 3D view. Pupils can add instructions for their game and can choose various customisation options.

2Do It Yourself (2DIY) is a tool which allows both teachers and pupils to create their own activities and quizzes.

When you enter the tool, you will be presented with the choice of types of 2DIY activity and quiz to create.

2Quiz is a tool that allows both teachers and pupils to create their own quizzes.

2Quiz is also found within 2DIY which is a suite of tools for pupils and teachers to create their own activities and games.

2Simulate is an adaption of the 2Create a Story tool Adventure mode. The simulations provide a rich context for cross-curricular learning objectives, especially in English/Literacy, in Science and in PSHE/Citizenship.

Early Computing Skills

Concerned about how to develop basic skills in the younger years? A Purple Mash subscription includes Mini Mash, the safe online space for children in the Early Years to learn, create and explore. Not only that, but the Computing Scheme of Work for Reception includes general computing skills such as how to use a mouse, how to use a touchpad, typing and mouse control skills games.

Mini Mash is also available separately for nurseries, childminders or home users. Try it free here.

Using Physical Devices

Purple Mash also works alongside physical devices - Use the Purple Chip app to control a phone or tablet, or as a handheld game pad, or use Logo to control an external robot including a MiniBit or Kitronik:Move.


Computing Leader's Toolkit

If you're a Computing Lead, then you've come to the right place. Leading computing across a school can be a big task, but with Purple Mash it doesn't need to be!

With a subscription to Purple Mash, you'll get access to our whole-school Computing Scheme of Work - that even includes Reception! All of the lessons are neatly organised into units, and all year groups have overviews and progression documents. Lessons come with slideshows and resources, and some even come with teacher videos to watch before teaching.

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You'll also have access to the full, editable version of our Computer Leader's Toolkit (try the free version here) which includes:

  • Toolkit Overview
  • Computing Subject Standards
  • Acceptable Use Agreements
  • Action Plans
  • Audit of Computing
  • Budget Tool
  • Computing Policy
  • Online Safety Policy Guidance
  • Remote Learning Policy
  • Glossary of Online Safety Terminology
  • Parent and Pupil Voice
  • Progression of Skills & Knowledge
  • Safeguarding Poster
  • Self-Evaluation
  • Staff Surveys
  • Tips for Computing Leads
  • Hosting Parent/Carer Online Safety Evening
  • Parenting in a Digital World
  • Deep Dive - Computing