Simplify your school's pupil voice questionnaire with 2Survey

June 17, 2024

Simplify your school's pupil voice questionnaires with 2Survey, an efficient tool within Purple Mash. Create and share surveys effortlessly, making data collection easy and accessible for all students. Try 2Survey for streamlined, customisable surveys that save time and improve accuracy. Perfect for schools with EAL and special educational needs students.

2Survey blog
Our Evidence Me Survey FAQs!

Dec. 19, 2023

Thank you to everyone who took part in our Autumn survey for Evidence Me! Here’s our round up of this terms frequently asked questions.

Evidence me Survey Blog
Our Evidence Me survey FAQs!

July 4, 2023

We recently shared a survey with current Evidence Me customers which gathered lots of useful feedback! In this blog, we've shared our answers to some of the most frequently asked questions and queries from the survey.

Evidence me Survey Blog