2Simple’s Purple Mash Through the Eyes of a Teacher

June 19, 2020

2Simples flagship program, Purple Mash, is constantly evolving and innovating. It has been around for over 10 years and has managed to stay abreast of developments with the very best of current ICT and Coding curriculum for schools.

We have strong relationships with our subscribing schools, as you can see from the reviews on School Advisor. We wanted you to hear what one of our teachers from Parkview Junior, had to say about the program after using it extensively for the last few years. She perfectly captured the challenges of online teaching and gives some valuable insight on how Purple Mash could be used to help.

Purple Mash at Home - From a Parents perspective

June 19, 2020

We wanted to find out how our parents were interacting with Purple Mash as their children get stuck into the platform during lockdown. It can be quite overwhelming to suddenly have to manage your childs learning, so we asked a few parents about their experiences and heres what they had to say:

World Environment Day

June 1, 2020

World Environment Day is celebrated every year on the 5th June and is run and organised by the United Nations day to raise awareness of our planet and the environment. This year the theme is Celebrating Biodiversity and it will be hosted in Colombia, a country that holds over 10% of the planet's biodiversity. Biodiversity is more important now than ever as more species are becoming extinct and the world around us is changing.

To celebrate biodiversity, we have several resources you can use on Purple Mash.

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