Newly updated 2Publish is June's #MashoftheMonth

June 1, 2022

Each month we highlight a #MashoftheMonth, focusing on a tool or application within Purple Mash and how it can be used within the classroom to support learning across the curriculum. During the month, if you share how, you have used the #MashoftheMonth, you will then be entered into a draw to win a 2Simple Goody Bag!

Our Mash of the Month for June is the recently updated 2Publish. This powerful, easy-to-use publishing tool really does bring learning to life. Teachers and pupils can access thousands of ready-made templates covering a huge range of cross-curricular content that you are able to tailor to your specific needs. There is even a blank template if you want to create something totally bespoke.

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National Pet Month with Purple Mash

March 23, 2022

We're celebrating National Pet Month from 1st April to 2nd May. It's all about raising awareness for pet welfare and spreading the word about responsible pet ownership. In this blog, as well as looking at some Purple Mash resources you can use during this time, we also meet some of the pets of 2Simple.

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Ramadan activities on Purple Mash

March 21, 2022

Ramadan is the most sacred month of the year for Muslims and takes place during the ninth month of their calendar. This year the period of fasting, prayer, reflection, and community starts on Saturday 2nd April and runs until Sunday 1st May. Here, we highlight some resources you can use within Purple Mash to teach your pupils about Ramadan during this time and beyond.

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British Science Week - 11th-20th March 2022

Feb. 9, 2022

British Science Week is a ten-day celebration of science, technology, engineering and maths, featuring entertaining and engaging events and activities across the UK for people of all ages and will take place between 11th-20th March 2022. This year's theme is 'Growth' and here are a range of resources to experiment with. We know this is not traditionally "celebrated" in SA... but we just had to share all these cool Purple Mash activities with you!

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Children's Mental Health Week - 7-13 February 2022

Jan. 25, 2022

While this blog and many of the websites and organisations mentioned are very UK focussed we have decided to share it because we at 2Simple South Africa are passionate about Children's Mental health and we believe it should be a focus in all schools.

Children's Mental Health Week is run by children's mental health charity Place2Be, who launched the first ever Children's Mental Health week in 2015 to shine a spotlight on the importance of Children and young people's mental health.

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