What's New this Term...

Sept. 2, 2024

We've put everything that's new at 2Simple in a handy blog for you to read at your leisure. Find improvements, updates and brand new releases across Purple Mash, Serial Mash, Python in Pieces, Striver, Dot Com Digital, Evidence Me and more!

What's New Autumn 1
What's New this Month: June 2023

May 31, 2023

Each month we will be putting together a handy roundup to show you improvements, updates and brand new releases across Purple Mash, Serial Mash, Python in Pieces, Striver, Dot Com Digital, Evidence Me and Inspection Coach & Improvement Hub.

What's new blog
Serial Mash: New releases

Sept. 8, 2021

In this terms new releases, your class can get swept up in Dr Edward Jenner's quest to develop a vaccine, Lola's anticipation of her Nonna coming over from Italy to live or will it be Miles investigation into the mysterious sock thief that gets your class excited about reading this term.

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