Serial Mash Summer: Super Reader Instructions

June 26, 2024

Oh you lucky thing! You're here because your brilliant school has signed up for Serial Mash Summer, and boy oh boy are you in for a mash-tastic time!

Read this blog to find all the instructions you need for being a super reader this summer, and how you can be in with the chance of winning some s-mash-ing prizes...

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Serial Mash Summer

June 5, 2024

With the school year being in its final term and the summer holidays approaching, the Serial Mash Summer Reading Challenge offers an exciting opportunity to keep the reading momentum going! Teachers - imagine your students embarking on a literary adventure filled with captivating stories, interactive activities, and a world of imagination, all from the comfort of their homes or even away on holiday!

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Mental Health Awareness Week

April 15, 2024

Mental Health Awareness week, hosted by the Mental Health Foundation, is an annual event when there is an opportunity for the whole of the UK to focus on achieving good mental health. This year it takes place from 13th to 19th May and has the theme of ‘Movement: Moving more for our Mental Health.

To support schools, with Mental Health Awareness Week, we have featured a range of resources from Purple Mash and free resources from Striver, that schools can use across the week, including a handy guide to share with parents.

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An Interview with the Author

Feb. 19, 2024

Antony Wootton is the author of Buster's Blitz, a fantastic Serial Mash book for upper KS2. Buster's Blitz tells the story of a young boy and his beloved dog during WWII. It is a fast paced, yet moving, story that looks at a very well known historical event from a unique perspective. This is the first book that was written by a guest author on Serial Mash. Find out more about Buster's Blitz from the author himself...

An Interview with the Author
Promoting Reading with 2Simple

Feb. 5, 2024

Looking to promote reading in your school? See how 2Simple can help you promote a love of books, and help your students develop their reading skills with this blog.

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