October's Mash of the Month: 2Type

Oct. 3, 2023

Each month we will be highlighting a #MashoftheMonth, this will focus on a tool or application and how it can be used within the classroom to support learning across the curriculum. During the month, if you share how you have used #MashoftheMonth, you will then be entered into a draw to win a 2Simple Goody Bag!

The Mash of the Month for October is 2Type and using Typing Across the Years to develop fundamental typing skills with children.

Mash of the Month - 2Type
Ada Lovelace Day: 10th October 2023

Oct. 3, 2023

Ada Lovelace Day celebrates the achievements of women in science, technology, engineering and maths (STEM). Held on the second Tuesday in October every year, this year it is celebrated on the 10th of October. In this blog we learn about Ada Lovelace and look at the many ways you can celebrate women in science with Purple Mash.

Ada Lovelace Day Facebook
New Purple Mash resources for Black History Month

Sept. 29, 2023

In October, Black History Month will be explored across the country. It's a time for our young learners to immerse themselves in the annual commemoration to find out about the significant contributions and achievements of the black community in the UK.

Black History Month
National Poetry Day 2023

Sept. 27, 2023

Since 1994 National Poetry Day has engaged millions of people with poetry through a range of live events and web-based activities for people throughout the country. Each year the day is given a new theme in order to highlight particular poets and styles of poetry. This year's National Poetry Day is on the 5th of October and the theme this year is 'Refuge'.

National Poetry Day
Teaching Science with 2Simple

Sept. 26, 2023

Explore the world of science at 2Simple, with lots of fun activities an great tools to encourage your students to think scientifically and become more critical in their observations. Find great resources across Purple Mash as well as our Science Leader's Toolkit.

Teaching Science Blog