Newly updated 2Quiz is June's Mash of the Month

May 22, 2024

Each month we will be highlighting a #MashoftheMonth, this will focus on a tool or application within Purple Mash and how it can be used within the classroom to support learning across the curriculum. During the month, if you share how you have used #MashoftheMonth, you will then be entered into a draw to win a 2Simple Goody Bag!

June's #MashoftheMonth is 2Quiz, as it has just been updated with new question types, making it even easier to create engaging and useful quizzes.

Mash of the Month - 2Quiz
Kicking off the Euros with a Striking Competition

May 21, 2024

Lace up your boots for the men's Euro '24 competition starting on June 14th.

We've got a whole lineup of resources and a unique competition on Purple Mash to get you ready to cheer on your favourite team. Whether you're a die-hard football fanatic or just looking to join in on the fun, there's something for everyone to enjoy.

Euro Competition blog
NSPCC Childhood Day Mile

May 20, 2024

Even the littlest legs are going the extra mile for children.  Will you join them?

On Friday 7th June, nurseries and schools across the UK will be getting active and moving a mile in lots of different ways in aid of the NSPCC - see how you can get involved too!

Copy of microbit - free lessons
Programming Physical Devices

May 17, 2024

Programming physical devices can seem more daunting than other aspects of the Computing Curriculum, but 2Simple makes it, well, simple!

Discover all the ways that physical device programming is covered in the Purple Mash Computing Scheme of Work for primary, and set children up for KS3 by using Python in Pieces.

Programming Physical Devices blog
Prove learning with the Data Dashboard

May 8, 2024

Prove learning within Purple Mash with the new Data Dashboard. Assign curriculum objectives to 2Do's, make customised judgements against them and see all your Purple Mash data in one handy place.

Using the Data Dashboard