
Digital Leaders are children with a passion for technology who want to share their knowledge with others and promote the use of all things digital throughout the school.  Being a Digital Leader is a fantastic opportunity to take on responsibility, learn new skills, develop and demonstrate leadership skills.

An image showing four children as Digital Leaders on the Purple Mash Digital Leader Scheme.png
An image showing a boy with a magnifying glass by Purple Mash.png

How do I start the scheme?

It is easy to get started! Our Digital Leader scheme is completely free for Purple Mash subscribers and all the resources you need are available in the teacher area within Purple Mash.

Pupils apply to be a Digital Leader; these can be from any year group, you may want to keep them in the same year group bubble or choose to hold meetings online. The Digital Leader team can be any size that is manageable for you to run and for the scheme to run successfully within your school, a team of 8-10 is a good idea to start. There are a range of jobs that Digital Leaders can do within the school and at Purple Mash, we will support you by providing you with the resources to get you started.

How will my pupils benefit?

We will set termly challenges for them to complete and share their knowledge with other schools via the Digital Leader area within Purple Mash. Our Digital Leader pack includes ideas and tips, posters, name cards for your Digital Leaders and we will also send out a termly Newsletter that will update you with developments in Purple Mash and the chance to enter competitions.

Think about when and where you will meet - at the moment this may be online. Once you have appointed your digital leaders it is a good idea to have an initial meeting to discuss the objectives for the term and what you would like to achieve, the termly Purple Mash Challenges will help with this. Once appointed set up a Digital leader display board in school, have pictures of the Digital leaders on display and details of meetings and how they can support within the school.

An image showing the Digital Leaders blog on Purple Mash.png
An image showing a Digital Leader hold up her certficate by Purple Mash.png

Hints and tips

Build up excitement around the application process and ensure that this is transparent for all.

Encourage children and give them short-term goals

Have a regular meeting schedule.

Make sure the challenges are on-going to sustain interest between meetings - using the Purple Mash termly challenges will help.

Ensure that they are all competent in using Purple Mash and can support others.